Code of Honor
Note: CO refers to the Regimental Commander
Above all else...you are ordered to have fun!
We are honoring all Veterans of the 502nd PIR and as such all members of this virtual unit must act in an honorable way.
Always show respect to all members of the 502nd PIR and its allies.
Follow the orders of those who have a higher rank above you.
Failure to respond to repeated communications / orders in game from a higher ranking 502nd member is considered failure to follow insturctions / orders and insubordination.
Never discuss other personnel or personnel problems in a public setting and never chew out a subordinate in a public setting(in game global chat or ventrilo).
You will never show insubordination to a higher rank.
Never cheat or use cheat programs, and NO MODDED WEAPONS!
Vilotations of these rules will result in the offending individual being assessed demerits with the following resulting (these are a guide only and depending on the infraction multiple demerits my be issued):
1st Demerit = Warning
2nd Demerit = Loss of 1 rank
3rd Demerit = Membership terminated and banned from 502nd PIR
Notification of violation of these basic rules should be forwarded to the chain of command in a writen format with supporting evidence of possible (screenshots)
Depending on the severity of the infraction either a letter will be sent to the individual or a formal courtsmartial will be opend and will be staffed by the officers of the regiment. The individual will have the oprotunity to defend himself and his chain of command will be present. After the hearing, the officers of the court will discuss the situation and hand down the apporiate demerit(s) or remove charges if they are found to be unjust.
In the event a letter is to be sent it will entail the charges and the demerits assessed.
If there is an issue or dispute with another 502nd PIR member try to resolve it out of game in a private setting (AIM or Ventrilo private room) if that fails please use your chain of command.
All promotions must be approved by the clan CO and Company Commander. Requests for promotion must be e-mailed to the CO by the Company Commander along with justification for the promotion.
Promotions will never exceed more than one rank increase at a time.
Only company officers may request promotions for members within their own company.
Enlisted men will not nag, harass or otherwise excessively bother their Company Commanders, Platoon Leaders or Platoon Sergeants for promotions. Doing so may lead to demerits or demotion.
Officers will not nag, harass or otherwise excessively bother their Command Staff for promotions. Doing so may lead to demerits or demotion.
MEETINGS: Absolutely necessary to keep good communication between CO's and company members.
All company commanders and Platoon Leaders must have roll call and meet once a week either in AIM or GameSpy chat. Meetings should be informative and of value to members of the company. It is entirely the responsibility of the commanding officers to have their men attend. Those who are chronically absent from your meetings should be dealt with accordingly – demerits and or demotion.
If the Company Commander cannot attend the meeting for whatever reason the XO or ranking Platoon Leader must cover for him/her. Meetings must be validated by a simple e-mail to the Commanding Officer, letting he/she know the approximate time and date the meeting occurred. Meeting activities will be monitored. Those who fail to comply will simply be relieved of command and replaced with someone better suited for the task.
Officers of the unit will attend a Commander's Call once a week. This will be via AIM or GameSpy chat
INACTIVITY: "Inactive" is defined as having no contact with the message board, company's CO, Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant or Unit Commander; this also includes lack of game-play activity.
Clan members who are inactive for more than two weeks are placed into the "inactive" roster and date stamped. If inactive for two weeks following the date stamp, dismissal may occur at the CO or Company Commander's discretion.
Inactive that are dropped retain no rank but may reapply as a Private.
1. Only officers are authorized to grant membership to an individual.
1a. The company CO makes the final decision of whether or not the recruited player can join their company.
1b. Those of rank below officer may invite players to join any of our games. They may then notify an officer of the corresponding company to evaluate that player.
2. Officers may not recruit for companies other than their own.
3. Recruits must play on GameSpy for at least one week before they are allowed to try out.
1. Recruits must have a positive attitude (no complainers or negative types!).
2. Recruits will not have issues taking orders.
3. Recruits must be dedicated.
4. If a recruit is in another clan, they must formally end all relations with that clan one week prior to their try-out.
5. Recruits must provide e-mail address to their chain of command.
6. Recruits must add all 502ndPIR members to their GameSpy buddy list.
Once a Recruit has been accepted, they must change their name to this
[502nd PIR] rank & name
All new members are REQUIRED to use the 502nd PIR skins while playing with the clan. The skins can be found in the Yahoo Groups, or contact one of your Commandning Officers to recieve the pk3.
[Click here for Recruitment page]