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502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment


Welcome to the Drop Zone!

The 502nd PIR is a Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Spearhead Unit and is not affiliated with the US Government in any way shape or form.

We are dedicated to perpetuating the memory of those brave 101st Airborne soldiers who lost their lives in action against the enemy and honoring the men and women, past present and future who wear "Old Abe" on their shoulder for they have a "Rendezvous with Destiny"

The 502nd PIR is currently recruiting players.

The Regimental Commander is Col. Pollard and and Regimental XO is LTC. Davis.

Please feel free to browse this website to learn more about the 502nd PIR Clan.

502nd PIR V.1.0 © [502nd PIR] 1Lt. Briggs 2002