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----So You Want to join the 502nd PIR?----

Before you continue with your application it might be worth taking a closer look at what we are all about.

The clan is broadly modeled 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division which existed in the Second World War and we feel this touch of realism adds a little something to its organization even if the use of ranks, companies etc. can take a while to get used to. In addition to the Military style structure we also impose Military style Command and when fighting with 502nd PIR you will have a rank and therefore a Chain of Command you must respect. Just like in real life you start at the bottom and have to work your way up, good service has its rewards.

Tactically we again use the real army as our template, you will be assigned to a Company and Platoon in which you will serve and will be under the command of a Company Commander, Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant. 502nd PIR is only interested in team players and we can’t stress how important it is that you are able to fit in with this methodology. There is no point applying if you are a lone wolf or have no interest in supporting your comrades.

To help us organize ourselves in battle we rely totally on the use of voice and to do this we use a program called Ventrilo. It is a simple and easily installed application that can be downloaded from our Downloads section. The use of Ventrilo is MANDATORY and if your application succeeds you MUST use it at all times. Failure to do so will ultimately lead to you failing your try out.

All in all we just love to play as a team and although the above can sound a little daunting we feel it just adds to the game play. There is nothing quite like being a part of this clan and kicking ass!!!!

If you are still considering joining us and are willing, then please, read the Code of Honor
and continue with your application.

Your 502 application awaits you below!

[Click Here]


502nd PIR V.1.0 © [502nd PIR] 1Lt. Briggs 2002